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Title: dls/SHA Holiday of Chinese New Year FromNELSON
Dear All:
Please be informed that Shanghai office will close from 27Jan.2017 to 02Feb.2017 for the Chinese New Year.
We will return back to work on 2017/02/03

dls/SHA農曆春節連續假期為2017年1月27日至2月02日, 上海站會根據國外各友站需要安排值班人員,期間如有緊急事項可聯絡以下同仁:

Air Export - Gary (13818982769)
Air & Ocean Import - Eva (13818981736)
Ocean Export - Jenny (13818982605)
Emergency - Nelson (13817362668)

Date: 2017/01/18
File: N/A
Link: N/A
